Getting Started With Azure Iot Hub
Sending telemetry data from remote IoT device to the outside or to the cloud is pretty hard. Most of the machines are behind locked down networks or behind CGNAT. No way for direct communication to...
Sending telemetry data from remote IoT device to the outside or to the cloud is pretty hard. Most of the machines are behind locked down networks or behind CGNAT. No way for direct communication to...
Terraform is very good at keeping the state of the Infrastructure up to date. By default state is stored in terraform.tfstate and stored on local machine. But big downside is keeping the state up t...
previously I’ve published guide on deploying your site on vercel with terraform. Now let’s deploy it on cloudflare with terraform. I’m running this blog with Hugo static site generator and manage m...
I’m running this blog on vercel with Hugo static site generator and manage my DNS with Cloudflare. Managing it on two separate dashboards may not be that challenging but it’s annoying and what the ...
I was using Disqus comments on this blog but i was not satisfied with it. Reasons being, it was increasing load times and sometimes inserting ads, even after opting out and expensive. And there is ...
Installing Terraform Follow Installation Instructions here. Digital Ocean provider terraform { required_providers { digitalocean: { source = "digitalocean/digitalocean" ver...
Installing Terraform Follow Installation Instructions here. Terraform Create a directory where you want to store the terraform configuration files. Create a file named This is where...
Infrastructure as Code is a god send for system admins and devops teams around the world. With Terraform it’s a walk in the park. Installing Terraform Follow the instructions based on the your op...
Recently few people contacted for instructions on upgrading omada controller from v4.x to v5.x. This can be straight forward but there is a slight chance that you might loose all the data/config of...
We use DigitalOcean as our main infrastructure and in our development cycle as disposable machines. We deploy the vm, install the stack with ansible and do the things and dispose that. I suggested ...